Tanaka Stone Surface Sealer – I-Tanaka Dental Products

When applied to dental stone and plaster models, Tanaka Stone Surface Sealer both seals and strengthens the material to prevent wear, abrasion and chipping while making it resistant to water and other media which might deteriorate its surface. Because it actually penetrates into the stone without residue buildup, Stone Surface Sealer can be used to seal and strengthen working dies without loss of dimensional accuracy, and seals in pencil markings on margin lines, reference numbers, etc.

Models sealed with Tanaka Surface Sealer on proximals and opposings will not draw water from porcelain during buildup and marking materials such as Tanaka Bite-X™ used on proximals, opposings and pontic areas wash easily off from the waterproof stone.  With a coating of Tanaka Stone Surface Sealer, laboratories and dental offices can produce attractive and long lasting study models easily and quickly.
