Very useful for massive grinding of maxillary central teeth, canines, premolars and molars.
This size is often preferred for the lingual preparation of the maxillary anterior teeth and massive grinding of all posterior teeth.
Contains one each of the entire Tanaka Brush selection including the "Big Brush", Touchup Brush, Glaze Brush, Cleanup Brush, Stain Brush and Micro Brush. The set provides a brush for every ceramics application, packaged in a covered tray case.
The Tanaka Instrument Kit combines one each of the most essential Tanaka instruments and all the brushes needed for ceramics work in a durable compact case. The case has room for additional items and all items can be individually placed.
The kit contains the following:
AT2 Condensing Spatula
AT3 Carver
AT5 Thin Knife
Tanaka Big Brush
Touchup Brush
Glaze Brush
Cleanup Brush
Stain Brush
Micro Brush